There is currently a lot of confusion within our industry trying to understand the complexity of the F-Gas regulations, quota’s, restricted products and then there is the minefield that is the myriad of replacement refrigerants hitting us from all angles.
Under normal circumstances we would be out there visiting clients and keeping them regularly updated but we are currently going through a global pandemic making it more and more difficult to see customers face to face and help guide them through all the changes.
To help keep our customers updated National Refrigerants has begun to produce short video presentations on F-Gas, replacement refrigerants and other topical subjects that we are posting on YouTube and can be accessed at:
National Refrigerants YouTube Channel
or via the website: National Refrigerants
As part of our information drive, we will be taking requests to produce presentation guides on topical relevant subjects within the refrigerants industry, simply send us an email with your questions/requests to:
National Refrigerants are committed to ensuring a safe continuity of supply through these uncertain Pandemic and Brexit circumstances that we will all face together.